Daily Meditations

Understanding the Vice of Passing Judgment

As it is, the Father judges no one, but he has

given all judgment to the Son .. .I judge no

one … For I came not to judge the world, but

to save the world!

(Jesus Christ. See In. 5: 22. 8: 15. 12: 47)


Therefore, judge nothing before the time,

[that is] until the Lord comes. He will bring

to light the hidden things of darkness and

reveal the motives of every heart. Then each

person will receive due praise from God.

(Apostle Paul. See I Cor. 4: 5)



Do not judge in order not to be judged. (Matt. 7:1-2)

We often complain nowadays that to live according to God’s commandments is a difficult struggle. We think that to be truly Christian we have to fast, pray, give alms and perform other such virtuous acts. And as we ponder over the trouble we have to take to be virtuous and live a life in Christ, we lose heart and give up.

Christ, however, suggested a very simple and easy way for us to please Him and avoid condemnation at the Last Judgment, saying: Do not judge in order not to be judged (Matt. 7:1-2).

The following incident is mentioned in the stories of the Desert Fathers ( Gerontikon 1):

A brother asked Abba Joseph: “What am I to do, Father? I can neither endure hardship for the love of Christ, nor can I work and give alms.” The Elder replied to him: “If you cannot do any of these things, at least guard your conscience from negatively judging your brothers, or denigrating them, and you will undoubtedly be saved.”2

The aforementioned words of Jesus and the conversation between the two ascetics provide an opportunity to talk about something that constitutes a blight on the spiritual life: malicious gossip and passing judgment on others. This is a matter that concerns everyone, because we find it easy to pass judgment on our brethren’s behavior and to vindicate our own.

When we do this, we forfeit divine Grace and bring misery upon ourselves, even though by avoiding such judgments we could quite easy live the life in Christ. [This truth] is based on the lives of our God-bearing Fathers and their venerable counsels.

~ Adapted from Hiermonk Gregorios, Do Not Judge: Understanding the Vice of Passing Judgment


1 The Gerontikon (Sayings of the Elders) is a book that contains the sacred deeds and words of Holy Ascetics.

2 The Evergetinos: A Complete Text. vol.3. Etna 2008. p.10.