

Philoptochos – from the Greek for “friend of the poor”

Since 1932, the Philoptochos Society of Saint Sophia has served as the philanthropic arm of the Cathedral.  As a local chapter of the nationwide Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society, Inc., we are part of one of the largest Christian women’s philanthropic organizations in the United States. (For more background, see History.)

The Philoptochos Society of Saint Sophia has more than 100 members and a Board of Directors who are elected for two-year terms.  The current Board was elected in May 2023:


Board of Directors 2023-2025

Executive Board

Margo Anderson: President

Lia Fidas: Vice President

Pamela Sotiriadis: Treasurer

Mary Dimos: Assistant Treasurer

Florence Carr: Recording Secretary

Stracie Maniatis: Corresponding Secretary

The Very Reverend Steven P. Zorzos, DMin.:  Spiritual Advisor

Patricia A. Gogos: National Board Liaison

Helen Fliakas: Advisor

Joanne Kenny: Advisor

General Board Members

Teddi Alepohoritis

Helen Farmer

Mary Kirshbaum

Angela Kolaras

Alexandra Mallus

Doreen Moses

Matina Sawicki

Carole Verner



Our Mission

The mission of the Philoptochos Society can be summarized as follows:

  • To help those in need;
  • To promote the purposes of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America;
  • To preserve Greek Orthodox Faith and traditions;
  • To promote participation in the Greek Orthodox community; and,
  • To do it all with discretion, courtesy and kindness.

For the full text of the mission statement, see Mission Statement.




Our Work

The work of Philoptochos addresses three main objectives:

Philanthropy »

Direct and indirect support for charitable organizations and individuals in need.

Fellowship »

Creating opportunities for greater interaction among members of the parish.

Faith in Action »

Putting our Orthodox values into practice through hands-on actions

Calendar of Events – TBD

Wondering how you can help?

Click on What can I do? to see how much you can do at home, at the Cathedral, in your neighborhood, in Northwest DC, and beyond.


Joining Philoptochos

Membership in Philoptochos is open to all women of the Cathedral over the age of 18. To become a member, download a Membership Form and submit your completed form to  The minimum annual stewardship level is $50 ($23 of your stewardship goes directly to National Philoptochos & Direct Archdiocese Philoptochos).  Stewardship can be paid by clicking on the link in the Membership Form or by check made out to Philoptochos and sent to:

Saint Sophia Cathedral
Attn: Philoptochos

2815 36th Street NW
Washington, DC 20007

For more information regarding membership, please contact: Philoptochos Membership Chair at

Click here to view our Philoptochos Facebook Page 

For more information please e-mail us at



Dear Philoptochos Members,

It is that time of year to renew your stewardship with Philoptochos for 2022.  This year we have two ways we can accept payment, by credit card or by check.  Below are the instructions for the method you choose.

There are a range of stewardship levels, listed below.  Please note that $23 of your stewardship payment goes to National Philoptochos and Direct Archdiocesan District (DAD) Philoptochos.

    Stewardship levels:     $50      $75     $100     other

Membership Form

To Pay by Credit Card:
Click on the following Faith Direct link HERE

If you use this method of payment, please reply to this message if there are any changes to your contact information.

To Pay By Check:

Make your check payable to Philoptochos Society, send us any changes to your contact information and mail to:

Saint Sophia Cathedral
Attn: Philoptochos

2815 36th Street NW
Washington, DC 20007