Daily Meditations

Strife and Division

Recent disturbing events within the life of the Church have left many, including some clergy and monastics, with the sense of gloom, wondering what’s coming next. During times like this it is good to remember that nothing has changed during the two thousand years of our Orthodox Christian faith. There have always been attacks on the integrity of the Church. Sometimes these attacks have been directed head on toward the Church, such as the atheistic attack by the Soviet’s, and the invasion of Islam into Orthodox lands. At other times the Church has experienced attacks within her own walls, with divisions occurring that threatened the integrity and unity of the Church herself.

Schisms that brought on divisions between Local Churches, have always been hard on Believers, especially when divisions were based on power struggles. The internal strife that has taken place during various periods in history, between clergy and their bishops, or between various bishops, have never been easy.  Saint John Chrysostom, Saint John of San Francisco, Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis, and even my late spiritual father, Archimandrite Dimitry of Santa Rosa, are but four examples of those who suffered injustice at the hands of others. Within the Life of the Church there have been moments when synods of bishops have had to make difficult, but necessary, decisions, knowing some would find fault with the outcome, but they felt morally and spiritually pressed to move swiftly in spite of criticism.

There have been disputes between monasteries over the concept of land ownership, with some teaching that monastic communities should own no land, while other holy brotherhoods insisted that the independence afforded monasteries by land ownership was an important safety net for the longevity of their community, and the purity of their monastic traditions.

The important thing for all of us to remember during periods of strife in the Church is that nothing is new. From the very beginning there has been strife and division, disagreements between members and clergy and bishops. Saint Paul even directed his thoughts regarding those who would say, “I am of Christ”, or “I am of Paul”. Like blood families, we are all part of the human condition that is the result of the Fall, and we need to remember that attacks against the unity of the Church have always been there, and will always be there, until the end of times.

Of course the root of these attacks and divisions is none other than the Evil One himself. Satan hates the Church, and has been attacking every part of the Church from the very beginning. Can we really expect Lucifer to spend all of his time attacking only drunks and cut throats? If he’s already got them, why would he not turn most of his evil wrath against the very Church founded by Christ Himself?

During difficult times, where we see brother against brother, it is important that we do not react, do not gossip, and let peace reign in our hearts. The Lord is still in charge, just as a father or mother is still in charge when their little children are battling it out over a broken toy. The promise we have from the Lord Himself, is that the gates of hell shall not prevail against His Church. Divisions will come and go, strife between brothers will always be there, and the Holy Spirit will still continue to guide the Church. We must learn to trust the Lord, leave the guidance of the Church in the hands of our bishops, and work on our own hearts. If we be of a peaceful heart, all will be well. Peace must begin with me.

With love in Christ,
Abbot Tryphon

~The Morning Offering, https://blogs.ancientfaith.com/morningoffering/2019/10/strife-and-division/